In 2008 I had a conversation with Jay Tomlin asking him if he would put in an enhancement for ICA Logging on the AGEE. Basically we wanted the ability to see the external IP Addresses of our customers coming through the Access Gateway. As you are likely aware, what you get in the logs are the IP Addresses bound to the workstation and not the external IP Address that they are coming through. In the last ten years, it has become increasingly rare for an end user to actually plug their computer directly into the internet and more often, they are proxied behind a Netgear, Cisco/Linksys, and Buffalo switch. This makes reporting on where the users are coming from somewhat challenging.

Somewhere between 9.2 and 9.3 the requested enhancement was added and it included other very nice metrics as well. The two syslog events I want to talk about are ICASTART and ICAEND.

The ICASTART event contains some good information in addition to the external IP. Below you see a sample of the ICASTART log.

12/09/2012:14:40:46 GMT ns 0-PPE-0 : SSLVPN ICASTART 540963 0 : Source – Destination – username:domainname mhayes:Xentrifuge – applicationName Desktop – startTime “12/09/2012:14:40:46 GMT” – connectionId 81d1

As you can see, if you are a log monger, this is a VERY nice log!! (Few can appreciate this) With the exception of the credentials everything is very easy to parse and place into those nice SQL Columns I like. If you have Splunk, parsing is even easier and you don’t have to worry about how the columns line up.

The ICAEND even actually has quite a bit more information and were it not for the need to report ICA Sessions in real time, this is the only log you will need. Below is the ICAEND log.

12/09/2012:14:41:12 GMT ns 0-PPE-0 : SSLVPN ICAEND_CONNSTAT 541032 0 : Source – Destination – username:domainname mhayes:Xentrifuge – startTime “12/09/2012:14:40:46 GMT” – endTime “12/09/2012:14:41:12 GMT” – Duration 00:00:26 – Total_bytes_send 9363 – Total_bytes_recv 587588 – Total_compressedbytes_send 0 – Total_compressedbytes_recv 0 – Compression_ratio_send 0.00% – Compression_ratio_recv 0.00% – connectionId 81d16

Again, another gorgeous log that is very easy to parse and put into some useful information.

Logging the Data:
So, this was going to be my inaugural Splunk blog but I didn’t get off my ass and so my eval of Splunk expired and I have to wait 30 days to use it again (file that under “phuck”). So today we will be going over logging the data with the standard KIWI/SQL (basically a poor man’s Splunk) method.

So the way we log the data, if you haven’t been doing this already, is we configure the Netscaler to send logs to the KIWI Syslog server and we use the custom data source within KIWI to configure a SQL Logging rule. We then create the table, parse the data with a parsing script and voila, instant business intelligence.

Creating the custom KIWI Rule:

First, create the rule “ICA-START/END” with a descriptive filter configured as you see below.

Next you will optionally configure a Display action but more importantly you will configure the Script that parses the data.

Paste the following text (Below) into a file named Script_Parse_AGEE-ICA.txt and save it in the scripts directory of your KIWI install.

Function Main()

Main = “OK”

Dim MyMsg
Dim UserName
Dim Application
Dim SourceIP
Dim DestinationIP
Dim StartTime
Dim EndTime
Dim Duration
Dim SentBytes
Dim RecBytes
Dim ConnectionID

With Fields

UserName = “”
Application = “”
SourceIP = “”
DestinationIP = “”
StartTime = “”
EndTime = “”    
Duration = “”
SentBytes = “”
RecBytes = “”
ConnectionID = “”

MyMsg = .VarCleanMessageText

If ( Instr( MyMsg, “ICAEND_CONNSTAT” ) ) Then
SrcBeg = Instr( MyMsg, “Source”) + 6
SrcEnd = Instr( SrcBeg, MyMsg, “:”)
SourceIP = Mid( MyMsg, SrcBeg, SrcEnd – SrcBeg)

DstBeg = Instr( MyMsg, “Destination”) + 11
DstEnd = Instr( DstBeg, MyMsg, “:”)
DestinationIP = Mid( MyMsg, DstBeg, DstEnd – DstBeg)

UserBeg = Instr( MyMsg, “domainname”) + 10
UserEnd = Instr( UserBeg, MyMsg, “-“)
UserName = Mid( MyMsg, UserBeg, UserEnd – UserBeg)

StartBeg = Instr( MyMsg, “startTime “) + 11
StartEnd = Instr( StartBeg, MyMsg, ” “)
StartTime = Mid( MyMsg, StartBeg, StartEnd – StartBeg)

EndBeg = Instr( MyMsg, “endTime “) + 9
EndEnd = Instr( EndBeg, MyMsg, ” “)
EndTime = Mid( MyMsg, EndBeg, EndEnd – EndBeg)

DurBeg = Instr( MyMsg, “Duration “) + 9
DurEnd = Instr( DurBeg, MyMsg, ” “)
Duration = Mid( MyMsg, DurBeg, DurEnd – DurBeg)

SentBeg = Instr( MyMsg, “Total_bytes_send “) + 17
SentEnd = Instr( SentBeg, MyMsg, ” “)
SentBytes = Mid( MyMsg, SentBeg, SentEnd – SentBeg)    

RecBeg = Instr( MyMsg, “Total_bytes_recv “) + 17
RecEnd = Instr( RecBeg, MyMsg, ” “)
RecBytes = Mid( MyMsg, RecBeg, RecEnd – RecBeg)

ConBeg = Instr( MyMsg, “connectionId”) +12
ConnectionID = Mid( MyMsg, ConBeg)

Application = “NA”

end if

If ( Instr( MyMsg, “ICASTART” ) ) Then
SrcBeg = Instr( MyMsg, “Source”) + 6
SrcEnd = Instr( SrcBeg, MyMsg, “:”)
SourceIP = Mid( MyMsg, SrcBeg, SrcEnd – SrcBeg)

DstBeg = Instr( MyMsg, “Destination”) + 11
DstEnd = Instr( DstBeg, MyMsg, “:”)
DestinationIP = Mid( MyMsg, DstBeg, DstEnd – DstBeg)

UserBeg = Instr( MyMsg, “domainname”) + 10
UserEnd = Instr( UserBeg, MyMsg, “-“)
UserName = Mid( MyMsg, UserBeg, UserEnd – UserBeg)

AppBeg = Instr( MyMsg, “applicationName”) + 15
AppEnd = Instr( AppBeg, MyMsg, “-“)
Application = Mid( MyMsg, AppBeg, AppEnd – AppBeg)    

StartBeg = Instr( MyMsg, “startTime “) + 11
StartEnd = Instr( StartBeg, MyMsg, ” “)
StartTime = Mid( MyMsg, StartBeg, StartEnd – StartBeg)

ConBeg = Instr( MyMsg, “connectionId”) +12
ConnectionID = Mid( MyMsg, ConBeg)

EndTime = “NA”
Duration = “NA”
SentByes = “NA”    
RecBytes = “NA”

end if

.VarCustom01 = UserName
.VarCustom02 = Application
.VarCustom03 = SourceIP
.VarCustom04 = DestinationIP
.VarCustom05 = StartTime
.VarCustom06 = EndTime
.VarCustom07 = Duration
.VarCustom08 = SentBytes
.VarCustom09 = RecBytes
.VarCustom10 = ConnectionID

End With

End Function

Next you will create the custom DB format exactly as follows:
(IMPORTANT: NOT SHOWN Make sure you check “MsgDateTime” in this dialog box near the top)

Then you will create a new “Action” called “Log to SQL” and select the Custom DB Format and name the table AGEE_ICA and select “Create Table”. If you have not yet, build your connect string by clicking the box with the three periods at the top “…”

Then watch for ICASTART and ICAEND instances.

Then look at the data in your SQL Server:

Now you can report in real-time on external utilization by the following:

  • Utilization by IP Range
  • Utilization by Domain
  • Utilization by UserID
  • Utilization by time of day
  • Average Session Duration
  • You can tell if someone worked or not (“Yeah, I was on Citrix from 9AM to 5PM”)

Most of the queries you can reverse engineer from Edgesight Under the hood but if there is a specific query you are after just email me.

I get the average session duration with the following query:

avg(datepart(mi,cast([duration] as datetime)))
from syslog.dbo.agee_ica
where duration <> ‘NA’

 I tried to put everything in one table as you can see from the SQL Data Columns and the parsing script but you can split it up into separate tables if you want.

Thanks for reading!


4 responses

  1. Great post – I’ve made use of these two events in the past. I’m hoping the forthcoming HDX Insight on Netscaler/AGEE will improve the stats available even more.

    1. Thanks Neil, I swear I will meet you some day…I keep missing EU events.

      Anyway, do you have an ETA on when it will be released? I have been a bit buried lately and haven’t had my ear to the ground on release dates.

      Good to hear (or read) from you!


  2. If you combine this with the upcoming Citrix Command Center 5.1 http://blogs.citrix.com/2012/11/11/command-center-5-1-beta-a-complete-new-face, you would have som valuable AGEE-info:

    – Which are the top user sessions?
    – Which are the top ICA application being used?
    – Which users are consuming high bandwidth?
    – While accessing VPN, which client type amongst ICA, Clientless or Agent has been used most ?
    – Which users didn’t match EPA scan policies?
    – Which users have had the most failed login attempts?

    Regards, Frode

    1. I need to revisit command center, I saw a demo of the new product at Synergy US last year and was actually very impressed. We actually kicked around a “CommandCenterUnderTheHoood” SQL Query post when I was at Citrix HQ last year.

      Thanks Frode, I will check this out!!

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